Greatness by Gareth
Ian Simpson Ian Simpson

Greatness by Gareth

Gareth Southgate’s legacy as England manager may be discussed - but his understanding of what it takes to be great shouldn’t be.

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Sam Is(n’t) the Man
Ian Simpson Ian Simpson

Sam Is(n’t) the Man

What does Sam Altman’s ouster - and the fall of Sam Bankman-Fried - say about the future of all-star companies…and their CEOs?

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Worldline Loses It Disguise
Ian Simpson Ian Simpson

Worldline Loses It Disguise

French payments giant Worldline got hammered on the stock market. It is a sign that intermediaries must be more true to themselves - and their customers.

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Why Mark Zuckerberg Should Resign (Too)
Ian Simpson Ian Simpson

Why Mark Zuckerberg Should Resign (Too)

Facebook (Meta) founder/CEO/all-powerful maestro Mark Zuckerberg has been around much longer than Liz Truss - but he should follow her example and resign as well.

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