The (Real) Enemy Inside of Europe
US Vice-President JD Vance claims that a lack of freedom of speech is Europe’s internal enemy. The real foe, however, is nationalism - a weapon that has been used many times before…

Why Europe Needs a New Metternich
In the present geopolitical situation, Europe should not yearn for historic titans like Churchill or Napoleon. Instead the European Union needs a new Metternich to position it for the future.

How Alexander Stubb Won WEF 2025
Finnish President Alexander Stubb - only recently elected to office in NATO’s newest member state - was the biggest winner of WEF 2025 in Davos.

Why we need shortcuts (and longcuts)
The case for both cutting corners and choosing the long route - with Silicon Valley and Switzerland in focus.

Choosing the Hard Way
What business lessons can we learn from one of Margin Call’s most famous lines - spoken by the legendary Jeremy Irons?

The (Un)Wasted Wealth of Switzerland
What does waste management have to do with the wealth of nations? Especially in Switzerland…

The (Only) Two Patterns Investors Really Need To Know
There are only two “patterns” that investors really need to pay attention to - and they’re not patterns at all.

The (Secret) Rise of the Micro Company
The world of business is changing…and its getting smaller. The rise of the micro company is upon us.

The (Next) Generational Warfare We Need
Young and old - they are always at odds. But maybe that isn’t bad?
The generational struggle has its downsides and its advantages…for tech and growth.

The Coming Wave of Swiss Startups
There is a fresh wave of new startups coming in Switzerland - fueled by a declining banking indusry. What will it mean?